Monday, January 29, 2007

Redeemer University College gets its first Political Science Association

Despite getting of to a rough start with getting the room numbers mixed up, between 214 and 241, which resulted later in the delay of the meeting and missing half a dozen initial members, the Redeemer University College Students Political Science Association got off the ground and immediately began arguing what all the reasons to its existence were in the political sense as it were.

The founding meeting's first agenda struck for another future meeting, where specific committees would be created for its constitution, electoral and membership issues, though everyone agreed by democratic vote that our provisional council would decide where to go issue by issue until these essential parts of the assocation were put in place.

For those over half of a dozen members who did make it, we had a think-and-do tanker on the idea of democratic "Christianist" sovereignty with the conceptual underpinnings of communitarianism, really great stuff for a first meeting of the minds, quite intellectually stimulating or at least entertaining ideas and everyone agreed that it was too bad Dr. K wasn't out and just about with us for its premier.