Wednesday, November 05, 2008

From America to Omerica

Well, from America to Omerica, yes they did make change they could believe in finally after years of the same old status quo system. However, now that all of the United States have entered their new frontier, breaking the biracial culture barrier, many thought impossible, can they get past their recently anti bipartisanship political barrier, which has been replaced by a pro political polarization? With both the House and the Senate, the Democrats have push forward their agenda against a lameduck President George W. Bush, yet I argue, our newly elected President Elect Barack Hussein Obama II may actually just become the third term of Bush Democrats and other independent voters had voted against.

I suggest that a Democrat President Obama will fight against the will of the Democrat majority House and Senate, showing his muscle immediately upon taking office, as well as using his already well build popularity to carry legislation through which may not be too popular with his fellow political Demos. With the domestic economy currently torn in shreds, look for Obama to start turning back on some of his earlier promises about pulling out from the War on Terrorism, in Afghanistan or Iraq, protecting civil liberties that we outrageously violated and flagrantly assaulted by the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act or USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 and continue the Bush administration's policy on free trade protectionism. Finally, if the House and Senate fight these measures, look for Obama to openly threaten any Democrats, running two years from now, who refuse to go along and get along by not endorsing them for reelection with the presidential stamp of approval.

Yes, a barrier has been passed down south, but the more that it changes, basically the more it really is the same thing. Imagine the surprise, by those who voted against Bush and disliked his policies, when they realize they just elected a Red third term to go, all done by the good Blue guys, which seems to have more twists and turns here than an episode of Prison Break, Lost or 24! If Bush had been like Golda Meir and plotted revenge on the international terrorists of 911 just like the Mossad Munich Massacre, I just wonder how much history would have changed for the better, or perhaps how few untendered public military contracts would have been made for outsourced private multinational corporations in the name of economic development, military machinery and political expediency to continue the cultivation of the complex.