Friday, January 02, 2009

Creating a Planet Hollywood styled workout for 2009

Having dedicated three hours every day, six days every week, for the past three years to working out at one very extreme and demanding pace here at Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, thanks in part to my trainer, friend, and football teammate Chris Cubitt, I have decided to expand beyond the original full body lean body mass program routine he created for this whole new year of 2009. This labour of love has led us to begin creating a Planet Hollywood styled workout, based upon the regimens of Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1975 Mr. Olympia, Franco Columbu's 1981 Mr. Olympia, and Sylvester Stallone's 1985 Rocky IV workouts. Using this whole year to meld the various exercises for multiple body parts into the most effective and efficient whole body workout, that can be reduced from the overtrained three hours a day and six days a week model, to a more sustainable 49 minute daily session thrice a week.

It will be a challenge keeping as close to the letter of the law as possible, while still working within the spirit, as each of these three routines have their own strengths and weaknesses.

The good thing is there is a semblance between them, many exercises do overlap when training similar body parts and seem to be taking up the same amount of time when doing them by set and rep, so I do not think merging them into one is going to be such a problem. However, I do want to seriously take my time with it, setting it up properly and doing it right the first time which always is the best time. I thank Chris for getting me back into the fitness game for the fall 2006-07 season on campus here, burning off that extra fat, building up some lean mass, and gaining a good base of muscle for an opportunity to even try doing this venture. Fun is the first part of fitness, in doing it all for and in the strength, power, and glory of God, so never keep your eyes off the sacred prize being our Lord Jesus Christ!