Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hallman Chapel of Chesley Lake Camp finds the Ecumenical Middle Ground

Coming back from the day and night service at Hallman Chapel of Chesley Lake Camp, I find it wonderful to see many different groups of ethnic and religious backgrounds unite together under one banner, which seems not to be something many churches within Western Christian tradtion repeat today. Watching those from the Mennonite, Reformed and Lutheran ecumenical dialogues, cooperation and commonalities amongst these Christian Protestant congregations work, sing and learn as a people in itself truly models love as it should be, being Bible believers, followers and workers in the Word for the good of God even while vacationing. For the past three years, plus many random visits before then, my family has solidly been spending their Sundays during the summer, enjoying the word, song and community it engenders, which is something we should all be thankful for.